The Capital Area Primary Care Research Network (CAPRICORN) is a network of primary care providers in the Washington metropolitan area interested in conducting practice-based research. As part of the network, clinician members may collaborate in research activities as researchers or as study or site participants. Any network members can generate Research ideas and study protocols. CAPRICORN, under the directorship of Adam Visconti M.D. M.P.H.
Adam Visconti M.D. M.P.H. operates with current and previous infrastructure support from:
- the Department of Family Medicine, which strengthens its capacity for protocol developments and human subjects review;
- Georgetown University School of Medicine primary care units;
- and by the larger Georgetown research community.

CAPRICORN consists of providers from the Washington, DC metropolitan area who have a wide variety of patient populations. Our sites include primary care or urgent care offices led by general pediatricians, family physicians, general internists, or nurse practitioners. CAPRICORN has an extensive track record of research in the community, enrolling over 2,300 participants in various projects since its inception. CAPRICORN also collaborates with another local Practice-Based Research Network at Howard University, DC PrimCare PBRN, through the Clinical Translational Science Award (CTSA)-supported Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science (GHUCCTS). Together, the two PBRNs work with 150 providers in the community to promote active research studies.
The director and research associate coordinate CAPRICORN projects and activities, recruit clinicians for membership and participation, review protocols, implement recommendations from the Community Advisory Board and Institutional Review Board (IRB), work to enhance the success of current research studies and oversee the submission of material for publishing or outside review.
For more information about CAPRICORN, please contact